Hallowmass is a holiday in Hungary and the subsequent Friday was also declared holiday, therefore, we worked only three days this week. This was filled with lots of discussions and emails, some teaching and some personal errands for me. Highlights of the week from the scientific point of view:
- we have had a joint seminar with our sister MTA-SZTE research group. They introduced some of their recent works in three nice talks.
- affiliates of my group were busy writing the proceedings papers related to their ISSHAC-8 attendance (http://isshac.org). I expect to see several manuscripts in the forthcoming days!
- the paper of Valéria Bugris et al on the "Rehydration of dehydrated CaFe-L(ayered)D(ouble)H(ydroxide) followed by thermogravimetry, X-ray diffractometry and dielectric relaxation spectroscopy" published in the Journal of Molecular Structure went online. It is a nice thorough investigation worth reading here: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.molstruc.2012.10.040