September is concluded with splendid news! Our paper "Green synthesis of biomimetic CePO4:Tb nanostructures by the simplest morphology control" has been accepted for publication in RSC Advances today. This paper summarizes a huge amount of careful experimental work by Péter Pusztai. He discovered a beautifully simple chemical method to control the morphology of CePO4 nanostructures. It is worth mentioning that the paper was accepted to RSC Advances as it was submitted, that is, absolutely no revisions were needed. Congratulations Péter!
Good news today. Our paper "Influence of synthesis conditions on formation of core-shell titanate-ferrite particles and processing of composite ceramics" has been accepted for publication in Ceramics International. I am especially happy about this paper because this is the first one that I co-author with my friend Prof. Vladimir V. Srdic from the University of Novi Sad. Moreover, the paper itself is also nice scientifically and worth reading for anyone interested in electroceramics.
I am very pleased to report that our young friend from the Baku State University, Mr. Elvin Malikov has won a highly competitive mobility grant of the Science Development Foundation under the President of Azerbaijan. This will enable Elvin to spend some time with us at Szeged again and continue with his experiments in nanotechnology. It is worth noting that this success is the direct consequence of our former collaboration with the Baku State University and the University of Oulu, Finland, in the framework of the FP7 INCO project "NAPEP". It is also worth noting that Elvin's application was the only successful one from the whole Baku State University and also, the only one from Azerbaijan in the field of chemical sciences. Congratulations Elvin, we look forward to working with you again!
AuthorÁkos Kukovecz is associate professor of chemistry and Head of the MTA-SZTE Lendület Porous Nanocomposites Research Group. He works at Szeged, Hungary. Archives
July 2017