2012 was a busy year with the starting of our Lendület research group and the successful SIWAN 2012 conference. I am quite proud of these achievements and hope that we will be able to do even better in 2013. With this, let me wish a very happy new year to all colleagues, friends, group members, former, present and future students and everyone who cares about reading my thoughts on these pages!
The last two weeks were slower than usual as far as science is concerned. I guess this is OK, we must recharge our batteries at the end of the year so that we can be productive enough in 2013. 2012 was a busy year with the starting of our Lendület research group and the successful SIWAN 2012 conference. I am quite proud of these achievements and hope that we will be able to do even better in 2013. With this, let me wish a very happy new year to all colleagues, friends, group members, former, present and future students and everyone who cares about reading my thoughts on these pages! HAPPY NEW YEAR!
This Monday, 10th December 2012 I participated at the "Lendület Day 2012" event organized by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The first session focused on the results of the "Lendület" groups started last year. Very impressive results were shown from various fields of science, I enjoyed being in the audience. The second session was a round table discussion about some issues of the program with the President of the HAS and the executives responsible for managing the "Lendület" group network.
The lesson I learned on this day was that our own group must perform really well. Obviously, there is no space for weaklings in the "Lendület" program. Therefore, we shall focus on maximizing the three P's of research group success indicators: Papers, Projects, Patents. In December 2013 I will be expected to give a presentation just like the ones I've heard this Monday and I sure don't want to fail in the comparison. Splendid news this week: the fifth (and last) paper presented at EUCMOS 2012 was also accepted for publication in the Journal of Molecular Structure. It is written by Andrea Rónavári et al, the title is "Structure and Stability of Pristine and Bi and/or Sb Decorated Titanate Nanotubes". DOI will be given in the Publications section of this site as soon as available.
Posts in this blog were delayed because last week I was at the annual meeting of the FP7 project "SusFoFlex". That project is focused on developing intelligent food packaging solutions and we are responsible for food spoilage sensor development. Actually, the SusFoFlex project is quite closely related to the main topic of our research group in that respect. |
AuthorÁkos Kukovecz is associate professor of chemistry and Head of the MTA-SZTE Lendület Porous Nanocomposites Research Group. He works at Szeged, Hungary. Archives
July 2017